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Fodi: The Forums / Off The Beaten Path / Community ideas
on: September 01, 2006, 02:13:17 AM
Screw packing, do what I did. I threw some stuff in two bags, grabbed my laptop and a book and moved from CT to Hong Kong. It's so simple when you take absolutely nothing.
Fodi: The Forums / Comic Reactions / something i noticed...
on: September 01, 2006, 02:09:02 AM
Could always avoid ripping somebody off by assuming that the peoples of the past had an inferior technology and no reason to go after it... wait, that's ripping off history, sorry ;o)
Fodi: The Forums / News / The Dark Agent!
on: May 18, 2006, 08:39:45 AM
Is the lower half of his body drawn to be like a satyr's goats legs, or does it just not need detail? The latter was my first impression, but the satyr legs would be cool.
If they are satyr legs, you gotta ask yourself how he can have those legs, those wings, and no horns.
Fun drawing.
Fodi: The Forums / Comic Reactions / Dripping Sarcasm
on: April 28, 2006, 08:20:16 AM
I'll have to go back and check the hands in the actual comics, but I have to tell you that I really dislike the hands in the incentive pen art of Sally. I can't remember if she had claws but they just look kind of funky as they are right now. As is she looks like she could be Aquaman's girlfriend.
It might be a question of relative size, I'm not sure. Her fingers are a good bit longer than her palms.
Looking at todays comic I think that the hands are fantastic. The same problem of relative size is there but much harder to see and it matters much less. Knuckles or some type or break might make for a more realistic turn of the fingers but I don't know if they really fit into your artistic style.
Time for some work I guess.
Fodi: The Forums / Comic Reactions / Dripping Sarcasm
on: April 27, 2006, 04:07:56 PM
Great drawing in the third panel of todays strip, you could easily remove the text bubble from the guy on the left and still know that he's giving some kind of sarcastic remark.
Fodi: The Forums / Off The Beaten Path / Chalk art
on: April 20, 2006, 09:08:54 AM
Wow that is crazy. Do you think that effect is achieved just with chalk or is he using somekind of coating on it? It's just crazy. I like the one of the whole with the firemen and the crowd looking out. The one with the moved brick is great.