I recently added a comments feature to each of the archive pages (though not the classic archives). Use this to comment on what you like or don't like about the comics, or just to talk amongst yourself, as I'm getting verklempt. If you want to comment on or read comments for today's comic, you can click on the handy-dandy comments button beneath the strip. These comments are so handy they can defeat an octopus using only 3% of their appendages.
If chatting and discussion is your thing, you may have noticed we have our own forum. Recently, one person has been a bit active there. But there are a lot more of you. While I don't mind talking to him, I'm sure there are at least one or four of you out there willing to keep minignome company. Next week, we'll form a detective agency in order to determine what allows Jon Rosenberg's hair to stay up. If you are not a member of our forum, you will totally miss this exciting adventure. Without adventures, monkeys will cease to exist. Save the monkeys!
I also have a blog you can read and digest, releasing feel-good particles into the air that will some day become chicken soup. You should also maybe visit the Eyeskream forums as they are a pretty rad group of places populated by a race of mutant fishpeople as well as the brave llamas they war against. (Disclaimer: Eyeskream forums may not actually contain mutant fishpeople nor brave llamas)